All Courses

Explore life-changing topics, enhance your prosperity, and grow your spiritual knowledge with our life and certificated courses. Prepare your mind to receive the best that life has to offer!

Life Courses

The Anatomy of Peace Book Study

Discuss the topics presented in "The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict" so that we, individually and collectively, can boldly take risks, grab the opportunities to release what is keeping us in conflict, and more consistently be at peace.

Certificated Courses

Beyond Limits​

Discover powerful and practical tools to change your life! Learn the basics of Science of Mind, who we are, what we believe, and more. This course is a prerequisite for all Certificated Courses.

Exploring Roots​

Explore the roots of our beliefs and the powerful metaphysicians who contributed to the fullness of our teaching. We will explore the spiritual leaders in New Thought that impacted Holmes, such as Thomas Troward, Emma Curtis Hopkins, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.​

Foundations of Science of Mind​

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and lay the groundwork for your spiritual journey. This course explores the basics of Science of Mind and teaches powerful and practical tools to transform your life!

5 Gifts of an Abundant Life

Experience the power of giving in this 8-week certificated course! Cultivate deep appreciation, create your abundant future, release the burdens of the past, step into the Universal Flow, and surrender to divine guidance through these Five Gifts.

Mental Equivalents​

Discover how to expand your thinking so that your greatest desires can be demonstrated! This course will guide you toward activating the law of mental equivalents so you can leap into a state of true potential.

The Power of Your Word​

Discover the GOOD that is always available as you deepen your practice of intentional manifestation, strengthen your spiritual foundation and learn to use the power of your word for Good.


Awaken to the transformational nature of Visioning, learn the Visioning process, understand the organic nature of how the vision unfolds, and implement the Visioning process throughout our lives in this 6-week Certificated course!

The Anatomy of Peace Book Study

Discuss the topics presented in "The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict" so that we, individually and collectively, can boldly take risks, grab the opportunities to release what is keeping us in conflict, and more consistently be at peace.

A 4-6 week Life Course

All are welcome on a love offering basis.

Required Texts

"Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict" by Arbinger Institute

Arbinger's materials address the issue of self-deception and provide practical methodologies for overcoming it. Their approach helps people view problems, conflicts, and opportunities from a fresh perspective, fostering lasting peace in families, organizations, communities, and beyond.

Beyond Limits

Discover powerful and practical tools to change your life! Learn the basics of Science of Mind, who we are, what we believe, and more. This course is a prerequisite for all other certificated courses (can be substituted with Foundations.)

A 9-week Certificated Course

Cost: $250 (Certificate Included)

Required Texts

"Creative Ideas" by Ernest Holmes

"Creative Ideas" offers timeless meditations from Ernest Holmes that continue to inspire over 30 years after publication. Whether familiar with Science of Mind or new to Holmes' teachings, readers will find practical wisdom and soulful insights for personal and spiritual growth.

"How To Change Your Life" by Ernest Holmes

Ernest Holmes offers a clear, empowering guide to transforming your life by changing your thinking. Drawing on the principles of Science of Mind, this book combines timeless spiritual wisdom with modern insights, providing practical steps to unlock the power within you. With ideas on the relationship between life, God, and the merging of science and spirituality, it’s a must-read for anyone ready to jumpstart a positive life transformation.

"Science of Mind" by Ernest Holmes

A classic guide to understanding the power of our thoughts and beliefs. It explores the connection between the mind and the universe, and offers practical techniques for harnessing this power to create a life of abundance and fulfillment.

Exploring Roots

Explore the roots of our beliefs and the powerful metaphysicians who contributed to the fullness of our teaching. We will explore the spiritual leaders in New Thought that impacted Holmes, such as Thomas Troward, Emma Curtis Hopkins, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.​

A 10-week Certificated Course

Cost: $250 (Certificate Included) Prerequisite: Beyond Limits or Foundations

Required Texts

"The Edinburgh and Dore Lectures on Mental Science" by Thomas Troward

Troward explores the ways that Mental Action influences Material Conditions, explains the reciprocal action of the universe, and much more. Deeply insightful and profound, Troward is an indispensable voice in New Thought.

"Emerson’s Essays" by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Includes timeless works such as "Self-Reliance," "The Over-Soul," and "Spiritual Laws." This collection explores themes of individuality, spirituality, and intellectual growth.

"Science of Mind" by Ernest Holmes

A classic guide to understanding the power of our thoughts and beliefs. It explores the connection between the mind and the universe, and offers practical techniques for harnessing this power to create a life of abundance and fulfillment.

"Scientific Christian Mental Practice" by Emma Curtis Hopkins

Hopkins presents twelve lessons on the practical application of metaphysical Science, drawing on the teachings of Jesus Christ to explore spiritual understanding and growth.


Embark on a journey of self-discovery and lay the groundwork for your spiritual journey. This course explores the basics of Science of Mind and teaches powerful and practical tools to transform your life! This course is a prerequisite for all other certificated courses.

An 8-week Certificated Course

Cost: $250 (Certificate Included)

Required Texts

"Science of Mind" by Ernest Holmes

A classic guide to understanding the power of our thoughts and beliefs. It explores the connection between the mind and the universe, and offers practical techniques for harnessing this power to create a life of abundance and fulfillment.

5 Gifts of an Abundant Life

Experience the power of giving in this 8-week certificated course! Cultivate deep appreciation, create your abundant future, release the burdens of the past, step into the Universal Flow, and surrender to divine guidance through these Five Gifts.

An 8-week Certificated Course

Thursdays, March 20th-May 8th
Two opportunities: 1:00-4:00p, 6:00-9:00p (in-person or via Zoom)
Investment: $250 (Register before noon on March 9th to receive 10% off!)
Facilitated by Connie Martin, RScP

Required Texts

"5 Gifts for an Abundant Life" by Diane Harmony

This clear and practical book helps readers create abundance from within, for life-long riches in every dimension of their lives. It explores 5 GIFTS - and acronym for Gratitude, Intentions, Forgiveness, Tithing and Surrender to practice in order to achieve more wealth in finances, health, relationships and careers.

Mental Equivalents

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and lay the groundwork for your spiritual journey. This course explores the basics of Science of Mind and teaches powerful and practical tools to transform your life! This course is a prerequisite for all other certificated courses.

A 5-week Certificated Course

Cost: $145 (Certificate Included)
Prerequisite: Beyond Limits or Foundations

Required Texts

"Mental Equivalents" by Emmett Fox

The key to life is to build in the mental equivalents of what you want and to expunge the equivalents of what you do not want. How do you do it? You build in the mental equivalents by thinking quietly, constantly, and persistently of the kind of thing you want, and by thinking that has two qualities: clearness or definiteness, and interest. If you want to build anything into your life-if you want to bring health, right activity, your true place, inspiration; if you want to bring right companionship, and above all if you want understanding of God-form a mental equivalent of the thing which you want by thinking about it a great deal, by thinking clearly and with interest. Remember clarity and interest; those are the two poles.

Power of Your Word

Discover the GOOD that is always available as you deepen your practice of intentional manifestation, strengthen your spiritual foundation, and learn to use the power of your word for Good.

An 8-week Certificated Course

Cost: $250 (Certificate Included) Prerequisite: Beyond Limits or Foundations

Required Texts

"Can We Talk to God?" by Ernest Holmes

Originally published in 1934 as The Ebell Lectures on Spiritual Science, it is as fresh and profound today as it was then, offering readers answers to such important questions as: What is the nature of God? What is our relationship to God? How do we communicate with God? What is the secret of spiritual power? Where is humanity headed? How can a prayer be used to help ourselves and others? Many readers wonder, Can I talk to God? This beautiful book answers with a resounding YES!, and shows readers the way. The method of prayer it teaches will open the door to healthier, happier living.

"How to Use Science of Mind" by Ernest Holmes

God is not far away, but is within ourselves, other people, and everywhere present. Why then, do we fall prey to unwanted conditions - illness, financial lack, relationship difficulties, loneliness and problems of every kind? Written as a manual for the practical applications of the principles set forth in The Science of Mind, this book takes the original philosophy of "change your thinking, change your life," and explains a clear and definite scientific method of prayer that can help you overcome life's obstacles.


Awaken to the transformational nature of Visioning, learn the Visioning process, understand the organic nature of how the vision unfolds, and implement the Visioning process throughout our lives in this 6-week Certificated course!

A 6-week Certificated Course
Beginning Tues, January 28th*

Facilitated by Rev. Sally Bartholomew, Senior Minister, Renee Perkins, RScP and Michael Keter, RScP
Cost: $250 (Certificate Included)
Times: 1:00-4:00p, 6:00-9:00p
*Register by January 19th to receive a 10% discount! Prerequisite: Beyond Limits or Foundations

Required Texts

"Life Visioning" by Michael B. Beckwith

Michael Bernard Beckwith guides readers in aligning with their soul’s purpose through his transformative Life Visioning Process. He explores the four stages of consciousness—Victim, Manifester, Channel, and Being—and offers tools to balance effort and surrender while applying this process across all aspects of life, from relationships to finances. Beckwith reveals how synchronizing with the divine opens unimagined possibilities, empowering you to navigate your spiritual journey and fulfill your highest calling.

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